A Letter Game

Image of a letter game landing page

It's an app for a game me and my children play relatively often. The name isn't very good but I didn't know what to call it so I asked one of my children and this was the answer i got. It's been played a lot in my house and before this app we did it all manually by going through the alphabet quietly in ones head until someone said stop to determine a letter and used the timer on a phone to time the rounds.

The app is made for mobile with the ambition to become a React Native application and are not tested on desktop size. I haven't taken the time to make it fully responsive for desktop so it will probably not look very good on desktop. It's made with NextJS and uses Framer Motion for animations. I implemented i18n to be able to switch the language between swedish and english. The default language is swedish.

It's still a work in progress but I deployed a working version. There's still some quirks to fix, design fixes and the logo need work but it's fully operational.

The goal of the game is to come up with one answer for each predefined category thats starts with a given letter. The app gives the player a random letter and count down the time for the round. When the time is up the scoreboard appears and the players go through the categories and give their answer on each category and record the score. When all rounds are completed the app presents the top three players.

There's a link to the deployment URL and the Github repo. The code is on the development branch.